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Putting training aid
  • What is Three-20 about?
    We set up Three-20 with the belief that while most amateurs will rarely be able to emulate a tour pro's swing, there is a good chance we could emulate a tour pro’s putting stroke. Putting is where the majority of strokes are lost, which means it is also the area with the most strokes to be gained. Yet, we rarely put in as much time on the practice green as we do on the range. The vast majority of us manage 15 minutes before a round, and even then we are not training so much as just hitting balls towards holes. Our putting training aids are incredibly simple to use, and are designed to help people practice with purpose. They help with stroke, consistency and alignment, keeping the putter on plane and square at impact, and are just as effective when practicing indoors as outdoors. With a little effort, we believe our putting training aids will help all golfers hole more putts between three and 20 feet.
  • Where are your products shipped from?
    Right now our putting training aids ship from Denmark (EU), but that is sure to change as we get a little more established.
  • What is your return policy?
    We want you to be completely satisfied with your Three-20 purchase. If you are not happy with your purchase, you can return or exchange the item within 30 days of the delivery date. The product must be in its original condition. We do not accept returns of products that are damaged or used by the customer. If you wish to return or exchange a product, please contact our customer support team at, and we will guide you through the process. Please note that the customer is responsible for the shipping cost of returning the product.
  • Who is behind Three-20?
    Three-20 was founded by Alan Emmins and Aaron Bateman, two English golfers who met in Copenhagen in 2006. Alan is a lifelong golfer while Aaron rediscovered the bug in 2021. They started the company after six months of prototyping and testing their putting training aids.
  • Is the Looker ballmarker illegal? Can it be classified as an alignment device?
    The Looker is fully compliant with R&A / USGA rule 4.3 regarding Definition of Alignment Device and Treatment of Ball-Markers: The following criteria are used to determine when an object manufactured to mark the spot of a ball is an alignment device. Features include, but are not limited to: The object incorporates features designed to measure, gauge or interpret slope, green speed or other conditions, or includes optical or electronic components or, THE LOOKER CANNOT MEASURE OR GAUGE ANYTHING. The vertical height of the object, in any configuration, is greater than 1.0” or, THE LOOKER 0.3 INCHES HIGH. The maximum dimension in any horizontal direction exceeds 2.0” and incorporates any of the features noted below (or similar features): THE LOOKER HAS A MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OF 1.6 INCHES. o the object incorporates painted, etched or inscribed line(s) or similar features greater than or equal to 2.0” in length (“line” includes any line, arrow or other straight marking that could be solid or broken, but has a defined start, a defined end and whose length can be measured), THE LONGEST LINE ON THE LOOKER IS 1 INCH. o the object has an appendage(s) or an extended feature(s) greater than 2.0” in length or that extends a feature of the object to a length greater than 2.0”. THE LOOKER HAS NO APPENDAGES OR EXTENDED FEATURES. Note 1: An object is an alignment device if it exceeds the dimensional specifications listed above and advertising, marketing or intellectual property descriptions or claims related to the object indicates that it is primarily for the purpose of showing the line of play. THE LOOKER DOES NOT EXCEED ANY OF THE DIMENSIONAL SETTINGS ABOVE. Note 2: An object is an alignment device if it is modified in any manner that would satisfy any of the above provisions. USE IT AS IT COMES, IT WORKS.
  • How did you come up with the Middler?
    Our idea for the Middler goes back some 35 years, when Alan's grandad (who was an engineer) came home from work one day with a putting training aid he had made for Alan. Having watched a young Alan spend hours practicing his putting on the living room carpet, Alan's grandad asked, "How do you know if you're putting stroke is actually getting better?" Aside from the ball hitting the coffee mug at different speeds, there was no way of knowing if the putting stroke was improving in terms quality or consistency. A week later, Alan's grandad came home with a wooden version of what we today call the Middler. He taped it onto Alan's putter, and from then on Alan knew if his putting stroke was actually improving and becoming more consistent.
  • How do I attach the Middler?
    The easiest way is with masking tape. It takes just seconds to attach the Middler and just seconds to remove it. The masking tape leaves no residue behind, so your putter is as clean, if not cleaner, than before you put your Middler on. See the video below for a windy demo.
Putting training aid

The Middler
putting training aid

The Looker
putting training aid

Privacy Policy

Three-20 Golf APS
Copenhagen, Denmark
Tax ID: DK44286440


Putting training aid
Putting training aid
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